How to feel positive about going back to work after your summer break

It’s the end of the summer and many of us will be returning to work after a hard earned break. It’s no surprise that many people dread the return and the first thing they do is start surfing vacancy ads. While we are away from work in a relaxed environment we have time to think about our career and how we would like to progress. If you have spent the time since your last holiday feeling overworked and stressed it’s time to think about how to make long term changes that will have you feeling energized on your return from vacation.
Here are some tips on how to achieve it:
• Work out the real reason you are dreading the return to work. Do you dislike the environment or your boss? Or maybe you feel you are undervalued or it’s time for you to move up the career ladder. Think about your personal brand. What are your values and strengths? Is your current role in alignment? If not, is it the role you need to change, the organisation or do you need a change of direction?
• If you want to make a career change or take the next step on the ladder, make a plan. Who do you need to contact and who needs to know who you are? Do you need to research or train for your next move? By taking action, making a plan and setting goals you will move forward quicker than just registering with a Head Hunter and hoping the right role appears.
• Be honest with yourself, is it you that needs a shake up? Are you just treading water rather than putting your all into your day? You know the old saying “If a job is worth doing it’s worth doing well”. You are damaging your personal brand reputation by not working at your best (by the way this includes your appearance too – sloppiness is never alright even if you wear business casual, the emphasis should be on business) If it’s become too easy to just “show up” work out how you can improve your performance and enjoy what you do. For all you know you may have been overlooked for promotion because of your lack of commitment.